Vol. 27 by Joséphine de La Baume
Vol. 27 by Joséphine de La Baume

Vol. 27

By Joséphine de La Baume, Actress and singer , Paris & London

I Don't Belong, By Fontaines D.C.


anything, By Adrianne Lenker


A Certain Kind, By Soft Machine


Lady Luck, By Richard Swift


Kouma Magni, By Cheikh Lô


Jason, By Perfume Genius


Bat Macumba, By Os Mutantes


High Plains Anthem, By Jehst


Blue Verb, By Vegyn


Off Me! "The Wake" Pt. 1 & 2 (see page 153), By Slauson Malone 1, Pink Siifu


Château d'eau, By Film Noir


Who are you?


Sometimes I am Catherine Deneuve in Répulsion, sometimes Diane Keaton in Manhattan and sometimes Françoise d’Orléac in la Peau Douce. And most of the time an anxious, cynical while romantic being.


Tell us about your playlist.


It’s a mixture of many different songs we chose with Alexandre, my brother and band mate from Film Noir. Different genre of music, things that we stumbled upon or that are secret gems for some, some are more known but they all equally thrills us.


What are you working on right now?


We just released an EP with my band Film Noir and now we’re writing and starting to record our first LP. I am also developing a movie and a TV show I wrote.


What are you working on next?


All of the above ... they all take time ..


What is the best story from a set or performance?/ Party?


When I was acting in Johnny English Reborn and ended up in a Jacuzzi with Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean) having to seduce him while he was disappearing under water to hide from the enemy, while staring at me making bubbles with his mouth ...very, very , very hard not to laugh.


What is the best sound?


The sound of a foot crunching the snow.


What is your favorite part of your creative process?


Collaborating, when you both / all manage to get to the same vision with a creative language... it’s extremely satisfying.


What is your favorite color?


Emerald green


What artist do you admire the most?


Many but the first that comes to mind is Kubrick.


If you were a cocktail, what would you be?


Amaretto sour, it’s both sugary and sour but also a cosy night cap drink.


What is the greatest feeling in the world?


Sorry for how unoriginal but... falling in love.. it can be scary too but it’s still unbeatable for me.


What was the last thing that made you laugh really hard?


My brother makes amazing impressions, before each rehearsal we get 10 min with some new alter ego.. very spot on each time.


What is the last text message in your phone?


A friend saying «I’ll call after rehearsal, when we feel confident » to which I replied « it could take an hour or a lifetime »


What was the last song you listened to on repeat?


H Hunt « Playing Piano for Dad », the full album actually.


If you could supervise music for a TV show or a movie, what would it be?


Something epic, tragic with access to a great orchestra to collaborate with. Maybe a period piece to translate it into today's music somehow - in an interesting and respectful way. Then the movie I wrote and will direct portrays a huge confusion of a being and the audio in it it plays the part of the confusion as much as the visuals so that will be fun and I already know a few people I’d love to work with who haven’t worked in movies really but have the right sense of urgency and grandiosity in their music that the character has.

Van Milligen
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