Who are you?
I am a hoochie coochie man that makes clothes out of scraps and vintage. I love altered minds and colors. Miss the dance floor loads and love me a good brunch meal anytime of the day….
Tell us about your playlist.
I wanted something spacey low-fi and a bit nostalgic … I was about to make something more « state of emergency » but then it’s depressing enough so i just made a selection of slow and trippy tunes. It’s like a stroll. I like a bit of sadness in my tunes. It’s a bit uncertain too. I mean that was my mood when I made it. I guess this morning I could alter it a bit... I wanted to make it low key... It's also a playlist you can draw or read on or dream on... It’s not too imposing.
What are you working on right now?
Right now I am working on nothing. I am contemplating the world and the hurting. It does feel like strange days and a weird cosmic selection, with this Corona. Everything is so uncertain...I keep on having this Pete Doherty verse in my head (!! I know, i know... telling you shit is weird) « … the boy kicked out at the world and the world kicked back a lot fucking harder.» (listen)
What are you working on next?
I was adjusting to the situation these last few days. I guess from today I’ll start working on some pieces for my next collection. And I would like to write a little something and work on the watercolor project about heartbreak that I started last year… so ya, a lot to work on next…
What is the best story from a set or performance?
Well i dont go to theatre that much or ballet, but a friend of mine showed me a ballerina from the 90’s Sylvie Guillem and some of her performance and i loved it…Also the closest I get to the theatre is movies, it has to be Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Where the overplaying characters and the wonky sets make the movie seem like a theatre. I also love Tennessee Williams in general…
What is the best sound?
Sound? It’s so broad. You know what sound I don’t like, the sound of music out of computer speaker … that pisses me off.
What is your favorite part of your creative process?
There is no real favorite bit about a creative process. I guess they are all so different in the bits. From getting the spark in mind, to finding the tools to execute it, to working on it, finding the colors, the cuts and then seeing the end result… they are all such different vibes and complete in their ways that the whole process is fascinating.
What is your favorite color?
My mother told me something as I asked her this particular question, she said: «a white rose will always strike you more if it is in the middle of a bed of red roses.» Which means no color is more beautiful than another. It varies at times. But I do hold a pref for that in between days blue (also known as the hour of the wolf or like they say in french « entre chiens et loups ». I also love pink.
What artist do you admire the most?
I don’t know which artist I admire the most. I hold a fascination for unknown artists. Naive art made by unschooled people (especially people that didn’t go to art school or that were not influenced by any code.) like African movie posters for instance… I also like classical like Caravaggio, Monet or Hockney (see it’s vague) new work doesn’t really trigger me until recently. For example, I love the work of Ariana Pappadopoulos, a young hip painter but set aside from being hip, the gal is bloody talented. Also, portraits by the timid Oscar Burnett. Memory Screens from Basile Ghosn and weird shit paintings and sculptures by Lorena Infantes Prada…
What is your favorite cocktail?
I would never be a cocktail. I hate them And i hate holding glasses. I like a quick fix, like shots but always straight. I’d be bourbon, I guess. Straight up. No ice. Even cheap Jack Daniels is fine by me.
What is the greatest feeling in the world?
Love. When it’s mutual it’s the most beautiful and sweet thing in the world … And i won’t list the substance that we all fell for once upon a time. Hehe
What was the last thing that made you laugh really hard?
I laugh a lot. Everything has a second degree in my mind. So it’s hard to remember. But I guess lately my niece and nephew are what makes me laugh the most. Kids are fucking funny.
What is the last text message in your phone?
I have a funny group chat but the last words are about shaved versus unshaved pussy by the end of corona.. hehe strange times.
What was the last song you listened to on repeat?
I’ve been listening to Lena Platonos, this album called Gallop. And I have had a soft spot for Crimson and Clover but the Aguaturbia version. I go through phases… I have obsessions every 2 weeks.
If you could supervise music for a TV show or a movie, what would it be?
A series like Twin Peaks… Badalamenti is a great example of a great sound sup and composer. Or Scorsese, like Casino or Goodfellas. I wish I did soundtracks like these with people that make movies like these…
Keep the faith sister, XX
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