Q:  Who are you?
A: Hi I am Diana, I once took a pychedelic with the intention of figuring out my purpose. I asked the universe what my purpose was. I got one answer. I’m here on this earth to love. I am the purest form of love that exists and i’m not to forget it . I may have many gifts and talents, earthly possessions and wits about me but i’m love.

Q: Tell us about your playlist.
A: My playlist is called Anxiety be gone. A mix of sounds I play when I feel the panic rising . Its a blend of musicals , oldies and earth sounds.

Q: What are you working on right now?
A: I’m in the house doing promo for my EP “Wasted Youth.” Going live is the new normal. I am def more parts introvert than extrovert so this has been a challenge . I’m starting to make peace with making a tik tok account and then using it. Im concerned about the security risk tho. 

Q: What are you working on next?
A: I’ve been drawn to a page on instagram that highlights shipping crate homes, ideally I want to withdraw from the world and focus on building my shipping crate house. The other side of me wants to get back in the studio and really bare my soul and then come harder than Lizzo did in 2019.

Q: What is the best story from a set or performance?
A: The best stories always involve the room getting pin drop quiet because the purity from my energy i’m giving, the emotion and the sound working in tandem is like good sex. Nothing compares to this. I Have some horror stories where I’ve fallen or split my pants and the sound was really bad. Who wants to talk about those ?

Q: What is the best sound?
A:  Running water over rocks.

Q: What is your favorite part of your creative process?
A: It’s the dreaming and idea phase for sure.

Q: What is your favorite color?
A: Have you ever been to Portland, Jamaica? Gone up on the mountains and looked down to see the lush green jungle and the sun hitting it. That’s my favorite color.

Q: What artist do you admire the most?
A: I admire any artist that sticks to their vision, focuses on quality and says no more than they say yes. It’s brave to believe in yourself .

Q: If you were a cocktail, what would you be?
A: I have no idea , I’ve never had alcohol but i’m adventurous, so what would batman be?

Q: What is the greatest feeling in the world?
A: Financial Security and Food, I’d say romantic love after that.

Q: What was the last thing that made you laugh really hard?
A: My sister and I laughed over a man eating soap. 

Q: What is the last text message in your phone?
A: Texting my friend Ideas for his music video. 

Q: What was the last song you listened to on repeat?
A: Zsela” – Noise 

Q: If you could supervise music for a TV show or a movie, what would it be?
A: Little Fires Everywhere, Avatar, Lord of the rings  (It would be the scene where an ancient African race of Mystic Elvs entered the fight of good against evil)