In The Kitchen With Noot: Poached Pear

In The Kitchen With Noot: Poached Pear


  • 1 pear
  • 1 cup apple juice
  • 5 Star Anise
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 1  sheet parchment paper

Peel the pear.  Cut in half and scoop out the seeds with a lemon baller or a small spoon. Carefully cut out the stem.
Measure a piece of parchment paper over the pot you’re going to use, fold it in half and then in triangles, snipping off the very end of the tip to create a hole to release the steam.  Add 1 cup of apple juice and pour the wine to the top of the pear.
If you don’t like wine, you can do this all with apple juice – the pear will turn out lighter in color.
Bring mixture to a boil, add the star anise, cinnamon, and the pear into the wine concoction. Reduce to a simmer and carefully place the parchment paper into the pot, wrapping it tightly around the edges, submerging the pears and allowing steam to come out of the middle hole.
Flip the pears for about 10 minutes. If you use only apple juice, the recipe will be finished a lot sooner than if you use wine as well.
You’ll know the pears are done when you can easily squeeze the sides.
Depending on the wine, pear and size of your pot, it can I have drastically different finishing times, but you it’ll take approximately 20 minutes.
Just keep an eye on it. The more wine you use the longer it will take.
