In true French style, last night’s dinner hosted by UNEMPLOYED Magazine’s co-founders Cecile Winckler and Sophie Tabet began at 9PM, saw a wonderfully constant trickle of late arrivals, went absolutely all night long, and ended with a smokey haze of cigarettes passed about the table – the ultimate offering of friendship. ‘Twas a tightly knit guest list, with each opening of the doors followed by an immediate flurry of open arms and excited hellos. The party truly arrived with Hanne Gaby Odiele – a bouncier and happier human there has never been – while Alexander Skarsgård posted up quietly with a few friends at a small high top table in the front window of the inconspicuous downtown spot, MIMI.
Prior to the wine and laughing and perusing of UNEMPLOYED’s new fifth issue, the evening began at Blum and Poe with an intimate screening of Mohammed Bourouissa’s “Link,” attended by UNEMPLOYED’s ever-growing creative community of artists, stylists, models, photographers and more.